
Im Rahmen der Nutzung dieser Website werden Sie aufgefordert, uns personenbezogene Daten mitzuteilen, die möglicherweise einer automatischen Verarbeitung unterliegen.

• This Privacy Policy explains what we do with your personal data, whether it is in the context of the support we provide you to find a job, or the continuation of our relations once we we found a job.

• It describes how we collect, use and process your personal data, and how in doing so we comply with our legal obligations to you. We value your privacy and are committed to protecting and maintaining your data privacy rights.
• Within the framework of applicable data protection legislation (including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (the “GDPR”), the company responsible for your personal data (“Emérique & Partners Ltd.” or “we”) is indicated here

Data relating to the candidates collected:
Your last name, first name
Your CV (containing your training, your professional experience, your professional objectives)
Your contact details (telephone, email address, postal address)
Your remuneration
Any other useful information that you would like to share with your

Attention fraud: Your bank details will never be required by our consultants, please never communicate them spontaneously or on request. Emérique & Partners Ltd. disclaims all liability in the event of non-compliance with this rule.

How do we collect your data?
Via the “job offer” and “candidate space” sections of our website
From third parties (recommendations)
Via our network

Use of data
The mission of Emérique & Partners Ltd. is to provide recruitment services (CDI) to companies (Clients) and to support professionals (Candidates) in their job search.
The data provided on this site by users looking for professional opportunities is stored in our database as part of the recruitment process. We guarantee that personal information is never used in any context other than that of recruitment. In addition, we only process the data necessary for this purpose and under no circumstances transmit this data to third parties (Clients or Prospects) without the Candidate’s prior consent.

In this context, we will use the data listed above for the purpose of:
Informing you of new, targeted and relevant recruitment missions Providing
you with advice for your professional career
Sending your CV to our clients, for the positions for which you have consented to be introduced
Arrange meetings (interviews) between you and our clients

Mit Ihrer vorherigen Zustimmung können wir Ihnen auch Stellenangebote direkt an Ihre persönliche E-Mail-Adresse senden.

Collection and retention of data
We take care to obtain the consent of candidates on the purpose of collecting information, regardless of how we have established contact with the candidate.

Ihr Lebenslauf

Indem Sie uns Ihren Lebenslauf zusenden, erklären Sie sich mit der oben beschriebenen Verwendung Ihrer Daten einverstanden.

Right of access and rectification
Users have a right of access, rectification, opposition, oblivion and portability of the data collected on the site
You can exercise this right by manifesting yourself via the address


Sie können uns jederzeit unter unter Angabe Ihres Namens und Ihrer Kontaktdaten kontaktieren, wenn Sie unsere Angebote oder andere Korrespondenz von uns nicht mehr erhalten möchten. Auf demselben Weg können Sie auch die dauerhafte (vollständige oder teilweise) Löschung Ihrer Daten aus unserem System verlangen.

Our group works in accordance with the ethical rules of our profession and the legal provisions regarding the processing of candidates’ personal data in order to prevent any risk of discrimination.

Any reproduction or representation, even unspecified, by any means whatsoever, carried out without the written consent of the company Emère & Partners Ltd. is prohibited and illegal. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter. Additionally, the owners of the copied content may take legal action against you.

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