Gregory Hostater

After 5 years of experience in actuarial recruitment, Grégory continued his career as a recruiter in Web Development roles before returning to his first passion as a Senior Consultant in actuarial science at Emérique & Partners in 2024.

His recruitment experience in actuarial roles is extensive, spanning managers, directors, experts in insurance companies, consulting firms, insurance brokerage and reinsurance, bancassurance, mutual insurance, social protection groups, and more.

Within the firm, Grégory applies his attentive listening skills and professionalism to meet both the needs of the firm’s clients and the expectations of actuaries for their future professional challenges.

His wealth of experience complements the skills of our actuarial team and, more broadly, contributes to the expansion of the firm.

E&P - Gregoy H - Photo

Grégory Hostater

Senior Consultant

data market insights report 2025

Actuarial Science and Underwriting in France

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