E&P’s Most Valuable Person of the Quarter – Q1 2023

Each quarter, the senior team at Emérique & Partners nominate their MVP (Most Valuable Person) – and for Quarter 1 (Q4), the vote was once again unanimous!

If you missed our first article on the previous quarter’s MVP, here’s a reminder of the criteria for our MVPs:

  • Professionalism
  • Professional ethics and level of involvement
  • Team spirit
  • Integration
  • Efficiency and performance


First of all, and something that the whole team agrees on, is that Q1’s MVP is one of the most cheerful, friendly and optimistic people in the office. Always ready to assist their colleagues, such as through coaching and mentoring, they are proactive and passionate about elevating both our clients and our candidates.

They are also someone who quickly gained autonomy in the processes at E&P, as well as in the development of their own client portfolio.

In terms of performance, here are just some examples of how they have been continuously elevating both themselves and Emérique & Partners as a whole!

  • Signed a retainer with a tough international client – in just a few weeks!
  • Many client meetings with clients and prospects in France and Luxembourg. Officially brought 3 new clients in.
  • Every month they exceed their targets, and have a very good conversion ratio.
  • He has demonstrated resilience: 7 offers were refused by a client but he kept going, never giving up!
  • Finally, he breaks all the phone time records!


An impressive start, which indicates many positive things for the future. Our Quarter 1 2023 MVP is Anthony Rizzo!!

Congratulations Anthony, and thanks for all your hard work.

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