Stepping to success with Emérique & Partners!

Stepping to Success

As one of our many incentives at Emérique and Partners, we’ve teamed up with YuLife to offer our team rewards for acing being active. 

From Eurostar to Adidas to Aldi; each consultant has the opportunity to earn points which can be exchanged for vouchers at a plethora of brands, products and services – simply by getting their steps in!

The more steps taken, the more points earned and in turn, the more rewards each person can claim. It’s a win-win!

Whilst our office has the bonus of standing desks and an onsite gym as a convenient way for our team to maximise their step count, office-based jobs are notorious for being primarily seated so encouraging movement as an employer is essential. Plus, living an active lifestyle has many physical and mental benefits, enabling all of us to bring our best selves to work!

Our top steppers for the last 30 days are….

Justine Carlotti in 3rd place…

Joris Voidic in 2nd place…

And Stéphane Binet in 1st place!

Well done to the team for an amazing active effort! All three are from #teambanking. 

#teaminsurance has got some catching up to do!

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