Etude de rémunération Emerique & Partners 2024

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Do you work with the Actuarial Insurance sector?

We are honored to present to you the report on the 2024 Remuneration Study, developed by our Recruitment Firm, Emerique & Partners.

This report contains a study on the remuneration trends and practices which marked the year 2023 in the actuarial sector in France.

Your interest in this report demonstrates your commitment to human resources and an in-depth understanding of the actuarial job market. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for choosing to invest in this document, the result of meticulous research and in-depth analysis.

In the pages that follow, you’ll discover a wealth of valuable information, from industry salary trends to bonus and benefits data.

Our goal is to provide you with a clear vision of the evolution of compensation policies and their impact on competitiveness and talent retention.

We are confident that this report will be an invaluable resource in your efforts to successfully navigate the dynamic job market.

Emérique Opou – Founder and CEO of Emérique&Partners

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